Fertilidad óptima

Fertilidad óptima


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  • Maximises fertility
  • Higher egg quality
  • Increased sperm motility
  • Strengthens immune system
  • Improved ovarian function
  • Increased libido

Iniciar el camino para concebir y dar la bienvenida a un bebé a su vida es un momento histórico para ambos futuros padres. Optimal Fertility combina vitaminas, minerales y antioxidantes esenciales para respaldar la salud reproductiva normal y el bienestar general.

Se recomienda que ambos padres potenciales sigan nuestro plan de Fertilidad Óptima durante al menos un mes antes de la concepción prevista; lo ideal sería que esto se extendiera entre tres y seis meses.

Una nutrición y suplementos óptimos antes de la concepción se asocian con menores riesgos para la salud de las madres y sus bebés. También se correlaciona con una recuperación más rápida desde el nacimiento.

Indicaciones para el uso:

  • Deben tomarlo ambos socios cuando decidan intentar tener un bebé.

30 day supply
Guaranteed additive free
Maximum potency
Highest purity
Clinician's choice
Therapeutically effective
Fórmula previa a la concepción

Targeted and pure formula providing all nutrients necessary to optimise fertility


Citrato de magnesio, citrato de calcio, hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa (cápsula), bitartrato de colina, astaxantina en polvo, ácido ascórbico, EVNolMaxTM 20% (ExcelVite), pirofosfato de hierro, bisglicinato de zinc, luteína en polvo, menaquinona 7, inositol, niacinamida, piridoxal 5 fosfato, betacaroteno en polvo , pantotenato de calcio, metionina de selenio, colecalciferol, citrato de manganeso, fosfato de riboflavina 5, clorhidrato de tiamina, citrato de cobre, folato de calcio-L-metilo, zeaxantina en polvo, picolinato de cromo, yoduro de potasio, molibdato de sodio, metilcobalamina, biotina.

Bote de 180 cápsulas
1 cápsula contiene: Cantidad % VRN*
Vitamina A (333 UI) 200 mcg 4%
(como betacaroteno)
Vitamina D3 (166 UI) 4,2 microgramos 84%
Vitamina E (1,1 UI) 0,76 mg de αTE 6%
Total d tocotrienoles mixtos 2,8 mg
[- d-alfa-tocotrienol 0,86 mg]

[- d-beta-tocotrienol 0,15 mg]

[- d-gamma-tocotrienol 1,3 mg]

[- d-delta-tocotrienol 0,46 mg]

Vitamina K2 13,3 microgramos 18%
Vitamina C 33 mg 41%
Tiamina (Vitamina B1) 0,83 mg 76%
Riboflavina (Vitamina B2) 0,83 mg 59%
Niacina (Vitamina B3) 3,3 mg NE 21%
Vitamina B6 1,7 mg 121%
folato 133 mcg 67%
Vitamina B12 17 mcg 680%
Biotina (Vitamina B7) 5 mcg 10%
Ácido pantoténico (vitamina B5) 1,7 mg 28%
Calcio 25 mg 3%
Magnesio 23 mg 6%
Hierro 2,5 mg 18%
Zinc 2,5 mg 25%
Cobre 0,19 mg 19%
Manganeso 0,33 mg 17%
Selenio 8,4 microgramos 15%
colina 19 mg
Inositol 4,2 mg
luteína 0,8 mg
astaxantina 0,7 mg
escualeno vegetal 0,6 mg
Fitoesteroles 0,3 mg
zeaxantina 17 mcg

† Valor de referencia de nutrientes (VRN*) no establecido

NE: equivalente de niacina

α TE: Alfa Tocoferol

View Fórmula previa a la concepción

Increases energy and brain function. Also supports fertility.


Monohidrato de creatina, celulosa vegetal (cubierta de la cápsula), extracto de arándano, extracto de ginkgo biloba, maltodextrina, biotina, vitamina B12 (metilcobalamina), L-metilfolato de calcio.

Bote de 120 cápsulas
4 cápsulas contienen: %VRN*
Monohidrato de Creatina
3 gramos
152 mg
Extracto de Ginkgo Biloba 50:1
120 mg
4 mg 8000%
Vitamina B12 (Metilcobalamina)
400 µg 16000%
Folato (L-5-metilfolato)
800 µg 400%

† Valor de referencia de nutrientes (VRN*) no establecido

View creatina
Coenzima Q10

Vital for energy production and preventing muscle fatigue


Celulosa, Hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa (cápsula), Coenzima Q10.

Bote de 60 cápsulas
1 cápsula contiene: %VRN*
Coenzima Q10
100 mg

† Valor de referencia de nutrientes (VRN*) no establecido

View Coenzima Q10
  • Should be taken by both partners when deciding to try for a baby
  • Fórmula previa a la concepciónx3 cápsulas, dos veces al día con la comida

Diseñado para ser utilizado de forma continua por ambos padres potenciales para optimizar la fertilidad. Proporcionará todos los nutrientes necesarios para una concepción saludable y un embarazo temprano.

Una vez confirmado el embarazo, las futuras madres deben cambiar a nuestroEmbarazo y lactanciaplan.

  • Suitable for men.

  • Suitable for women.

  • Not suitable for people under sixteen years of age.

  • If pregnant or breastfeeding consult your healthcare professional before purchasing and consuming this product.

  • Suitable for vegetarians.

  • Not suitable for vegans.

  • No gluten containing ingredients.

  • No nut containing ingredients.

  • No dairy containing ingredients.

If you are taking medication consult your prescribing physician before purchasing and consuming supplements.

Keep out of reach of children.

Information displayed does not constitute medical advice.

This product should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.

Once opened, consume within 3 months.

Fertilidad óptima

A better approach to supplementation

Why use supplement plans?

More effective

Achieving overall health goals requires smaller improvements in multiple areas. Our supplement plans target all the areas required to gain your desired results.

Expertise you can believe in

Our supplement plans have been created by our founder, Phoebe Liebling, a world renowned nutritional therapist who's been achieving incredible results for her clients for over a decade.

No more wasting money

Supplement plans eliminate needless purchases by providing you with the exact supplements you need to achieve your health and wellbeing goals sooner.

How we do supplements

Why we created Fertilidad óptima

Starting on the path to conceive and welcome a baby into your life is a milestone moment for both prospective parents.

Optimal Fertility combines essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support normal reproductive health as well as overall well-being.

It is recommended that both potential parents follow our Optimal Fertility plan for at least one month prior to the intended conception, however, this can extend up to six months.

Optimal preconception nutrition and supplementation is associated with lower health risks for mothers and their babies. It also correlates with a faster recovery from birth.

Phoebe Liebling, Founder Nutri Tailor

Nutritional Therapist BSc (Hons) DipNT

How we're different

What sets us apart

Everything you need in one place

We offer all the supplements you'll ever need to achieve your goals making website hopping a thing of the past.

Nothing but the best

We guarantee to only offer supplements that are additive free, maximum potency and therapeutically effective.

Expertise you can trust

Our information has been curated by our founder, Phoebe Liebling, a world renowned nutritional therapist who has been helping clients achieve incredible results for over a decade.

Lifestyle tips

How to boost your results

Consider environmental exposures

Fertility is directly impacted by the chemicals we find in cleaning products, fragrances, plastic food containers, scented candles, and cosmetics. For men the impact of phthalates on sperm count is incredibly significant. These are found in items like Tupperware containers and perfumes so it would be advisable to explore stainless steel or glass food storage and natural or non-toxic scents. 

Balance stress levels

Reproduction is seen as a non-essential process if our brain detects a high level of risk. This could be physical (for example poor sleep, intense exercise, or illness), emotional or mental stress. When looking to conceive we advise assessing the holistic health of both partners and address any potential mechanisms that could reduce your chances. Meditation, yoga, and acupuncture are all well evidenced to improve chances of conception by moderating the stress response.

Understand the impact of alcohol

Regular consumption of even conservative quantities of alcohol can have a negative impact on fertility. The good news is that small adjustments in alcohol consumption will reverse this. To clarify, historical higher alcohol consumption will not decrease the chance of conceiving, but, if you are looking to try for a baby it is advisable to limit alcohol intake to the recommended weekly units. Give your system time off totally at regular intervals if possible.

Fertilidad óptima

Trusted by professionals

Recommended by nutrition experts

In an ideal world, everyone would get their supplement advice from a nutrition professional. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

This is where Nutri Tailor comes in as it is the only platform to combine expert advice with showing you which supplements are the best quality.

Their supplement plans have been created to work synergistically within your body to benefit your health and achieve your desired outcome.

Kasia Key

Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr), MSc Nutritional Medicine

Ami Scott

Arrived next day!! Super happy with the quality of products as always - safe and efficient place for supps - my go to. Thanks NT!

Kane Wise

Supplements made simple. Tailor made to find exactly what works for you. Couldn't recommend highly enough!

Sue Atkinson

Amazing service and products- making such a difference to getting my life back on track.

Frequently asked questions

Are your supplements high quality?

Yes, we only partner with specific supplement providers who create the highest quality, clinical grade supplements. None of the supplements we offer contain additives or additional ingredients which are the most common cause of side effects when using supplements.

Can everyone use your supplements?

Our supplements are for everyone. We have plans and individual products to suit all ages, life stages and dietary preferences. If you have a specific question just get in touch.

Can I take multiple supplements together?

Yes absolutely.

How long should I take your supplements for?

This will depend on what goal you are looking to achieve. They can be used ongoing to optimise your wellbeing and to resolve specific health issues.

I’m not entirely sure which supplements are right for me, what should I do?

Please get in touch with us! We are very happy to help and can also create bespoke subscription packages for you if needs be.

Can I use your products if I am taking medication?

Yes the majority of our products are safe to use alongside medication, however, we always advise that you check with your prescribing physician before adding supplements to your routine.

Fertilidad óptima