• Increases energy
  • Enhances stamina
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Promotes muscle recovery
  • Increases aerobic capacity
  • Protects against injury
Performances (endurance)

Performances (endurance)


0.00 per day

30 day supply

Subscribe & save 10%

Performances (endurance)
  • Increases energy
  • Enhances stamina
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Promotes muscle recovery
  • Increases aerobic capacity
  • Protects against injury

Une activité prolongée demande beaucoup à votre système. Il doit pouvoir accéder efficacement à ses réserves d’énergie, continuer à oxygéner les muscles, puis passer à un état anaérobie.

Performance Endurance est conçu non seulement pour soutenir le corps pendant l'activité elle-même, mais également pour atténuer les effets négatifs potentiels en aval que peut provoquer un travail du corps à un niveau élevé. Ceux-ci peuvent inclure des problèmes de fonction immunitaire diminuée, un dysfonctionnement hormonal, une perte de densité osseuse et des troubles digestifs. En les prévenant avant qu'ils ne surviennent, vous permettez une récupération plus rapide, un entraînement plus fréquent, un risque de blessure plus faible et, bien sûr, vous pourrez alors progresser plus rapidement vers le prochain temps PB !

Pour ceux qui peuvent rencontrer des problèmes de selles molles en raison de leur entraînement ou lors d'une compétition, vous voudrez ajouterIBS-Dparallèlement à ce plan. Il est tout à fait normal de rencontrer ce phénomène et cela est simplement lié au taux accru de renouvellement des cellules intestinales qui se produit chez les athlètes d’endurance.

Indications pour l'utilisation:

  • Entraînements d'endurance fréquents

The Directions for use have been designed for maximum effectiveness by a Nutritional Therapist with 10+ years experience in clinical nutrition.

Take as ongoing support.

Guaranteed additive free
Maximum potency
Highest purity
Clinician's choice
Therapeutically effective
Mise sous tension

Enhances focus, concentration, energy levels and prevents adrenal fatigue


Cellulose végétale (enveloppe de la capsule), L-Taurine, Bitartrate de choline (huile végétale hydrogénée), Gotu Kola, Panax Ginseng, L-Tyrosine, Acétyl-L-Carnitine, Bisglycinate de fer, Crinière de lion (Maltodextrine), Niacinamide, Bisglycinate de manganèse, Pyridoxal 5 Phosphate, Cellulose, Borate de Sodium, Pantothénate de Calcium, Cholécalciférol (huile MCT, d-α-tocophérol, sirop de maïs, gomme arabique, dioxyde de silicium, ascorbate de sodium), Pipérine, Biotine, Calcium-L-Méthyl Folate Méthylcobalamine.

Pot de 60 gélules
2 gélules contiennent : Montant VNR%
Vitamine D3 (provenant d'algues) 1000UI 500%
Vitamine B3 (niacine) 50 mg 313%
Vitamine B6 (P5P) 18mg 1286%
Folate (L-méthylfolate) 10 mg 100%
Vitamine B12 (méthylcobalamine) 400μg 16000%
Biotine 400μg 1000%
Vitamine B5 (acide pantothénique) 10 mg 167%
Fer 20mg 143%
Manganèse 3mg 150%
L-taurine 200mg
Acétyl-L-carnitine 100 mg
L-tyrosine 100 mg
Extrait de Panax Ginseng coréen 4:1 100 mg
Extrait de Crinière de Lion 10:1 67 mg
Choline 41 mg
Extrait de Gotu Kola 4:1 25mg
Extrait de poivre noir pipérine 2,5 mg
Bore 2 mg

† Valeur nutritionnelle de référence (VNR*) non établie

View Mise sous tension
Creatine - Capsules

Increases energy, athletic performance and brain function. Also supports fertility.


Créatine monohydratée, cellulose végétale (enveloppe de la gélule), extrait de myrtille, extrait de ginkgo biloba, maltodextrine, biotine, vitamine B12 (méthylcobalamine), L-méthylfolate de calcium.

Pot de 120 gélules
4 gélules contiennent : %VNR*
Monohydrate de créatine
152 mg
Extrait de Ginkgo Biloba 50:1
120 mg
4 mg 8000%
Vitamine B12 (méthylcobalamine)
400 µg 16000%
Folate (L-5-méthylfolate)
800 µg 400%

† Valeur nutritionnelle de référence (VNR*) non établie

View Creatine - Capsules
Soutien immunitaire au sureau

Improves immune resilience


Extrait de sureau, N acétylcystéine, hydroxypropylméthylcellulose (capsule), ascorbate de zinc.

Pot de 60 gélules
Chaque capsule contient : %VNR*
Vitamine C
32mg 40%
6 mg 60%
Extrait de sureau
159 mg
(Sambucus nigra L.) Equivalent à 3g de Sureau
N Acétylcystéine
159 mg

† Valeur nutritionnelle de référence (VNR*) non établie

View Soutien immunitaire au sureau
  • Frequent endurance training
  • Inability to lose central fat
  • Not seeing the physical benefits from high effort exercise
  • Increased frequency of injury
  • Mise sous tensionx2 gélules en milieu de matinée, à distance des repas
  • Créatinex4 gélules par jour. Peut être pris 20 minutes avant l'exercice, 20 minutes après l'exercice ou au réveil un jour de repos.
  • Soutien immunitaire au sureaux2 gélules, une fois par jour avec de la nourriture

Conçu pour être utilisé en continu pour optimiser les performances et prévenir les problèmes potentiels associés à cette forme d'exercice. Nous vous conseillons également de toujours utiliser ce plan en conjonction avec votreCœur.

S'il y a une tendance aux changements digestifs lors de l'entraînement/de la compétition, veuillez combiner ce plan avec IBS-D.

  • Suitable for men.

  • Suitable for women.

  • Not suitable for people under sixteen years of age.

  • If pregnant or breastfeeding consult your healthcare professional before purchasing and consuming this product.

  • Suitable for vegetarians.

  • Suitable for vegans.

  • No gluten containing ingredients.

  • No nut containing ingredients.

  • No dairy containing ingredients.

If you are taking medication consult your prescribing physician before purchasing and consuming supplements.

Keep out of reach of children.

Information displayed does not constitute medical advice.

This product should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet.

Once opened, consume within 3 months.

Performances (endurance)

A better approach to supplementation

Why use supplement plans?

More effective

Achieving overall health goals requires making multiple smaller improvements. Our supplement plans address all the areas of your body required to gain your desired results.

Expertise you can believe in

Our supplement plans have been created by world leading nutritional therapists who've been achieving incredible results for there clients for over a decade.

No more wasting money

Supplement plans eliminate needless purchases by providing you with the exact supplements you need to achieve your health and wellbeing goals sooner.


The guidance and supplements themselves are making a massive difference for me. I think it’s because they are high quality. Very noticeable versus others I’ve had in the past. Use every day and recommend it to all my friends. Thank you Nutri Tailor!


They are always so helpful and knowledgeable. Very reassuring to know she has selected the supplements on Nutri Tailor. Both my children are taking supplements tailored for them.


Really useful! it completely takes the pressure off checking the ingredients all the time and knowing all the supplements on the site are great quality. Highly recommend!


Great protein powder - totally trust their judgement and did not disappoint!


Amazing service and products- making such a difference to getting my life back on track.


Very happy with the product, helpful information and very efficient delivery


The help and advice is totally amazing and the supplements from Nutri Tailor are exceptional. I can’t believe the difference they’ve made to my life.


Superb help with finding the right supplements for me, very much tailored to your individual needs.


Nutri Tailor is always so helpful. I am so happy with this service as I trust them to give evidence based support, cutting through all the nonsense!


Unbelievable service that truly feels personal to my needs - couldn’t recommend enough!

How we do supplements

Why we created Performances (endurance)

Prolonged activity asks a lot of your system. It needs to be able to access its energy stores effectively, continue to oxygenate the muscles, and then work into an anaerobic state.

Performance Endurance is designed to not only support the body during the activity itself, but also mitigate the potential negatives that working the body to a high level can cause. These can include issues with decreased immune function, hormonal dysfunction, bone density losses and digestive upset.

Preventing negative outcomes allows for faster recovery, more frequent training and having a lower risk of injury while aiming for that new PB!

How we're different

What sets us apart

Everything you need in one place

We offer all the supplements you need to achieve your goals making website hopping a thing of the past.

Nothing but the best

We guarantee our range of supplements are clinical grade and additive-free.

Expertise you can trust

Our health guidance has been curated by world leading Nutritional Therapists working at the cutting edge of therapeutic nutrition.

Lifestyle tips

How to boost your results

Be aware of the impact of alcohol

As this drastically decreases recovery after exercise. It caps it to about 10% of what we achieve when alcohol isn't present. If you are asking your body to perform at a high level it would be wise to remove or at least significantly limit alcohol consumption.

Choose your support products wisely

When doing long races many will reach for electrolyte + carb powders, gels, protein powders etc. The issue here is quality. Many products will contain sweeteners and synthetic agents that are incredibly disruptive to gut bacteria, and as endurance exercise is shown to significantly impact this vital part of our immune system already it would be wise to carefully research what you are using.


Put as much attention and focus on this as you do your training. There is absolutely no way to sustain a high level of performance without injury if the body doesn't have adequate time to recover. 

Performances (endurance)

Trusted by professionals

Recommended by nutrition experts

In an ideal world, everyone would get their supplement advice from a nutrition professional. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

This is where Nutri Tailor comes in as it is the only platform to combine expert advice with showing you which supplements are the best quality.

Their supplement plans have been created to work synergistically within your body to benefit your health and achieve your desired outcome.

Kasia Key

Registered Associate Nutritionist (ANutr), MSc Nutritional Medicine

Frequently asked questions

Are your supplements high quality?

Yes, we only partner with specific supplement providers who create the highest quality, clinical grade supplements. None of the supplements we offer contain additives or additional ingredients which are the most common cause of side effects when using supplements.

Can everyone use your supplements?

Our supplements are for everyone. We have plans and individual products to suit all ages, life stages and dietary preferences. If you have a specific question just get in touch.

Can I take multiple supplements together?

Yes absolutely.

How long should I take your supplements for?

This will depend on what goal you are looking to achieve. They can be used ongoing to optimise your wellbeing and to resolve specific health issues.

I’m not entirely sure which supplements are right for me, what should I do?

Please get in touch with us! We are very happy to help and can also create bespoke subscription packages for you if needs be.

Can I use your products if I am taking medication?

Yes the majority of our products are safe to use alongside medication, however, we always advise that you check with your prescribing physician before adding supplements to your routine.

Performances (endurance)